Court Booking Rules - updated November 2022
- Members can book courts 14 days prior from 7 am. In other words, when booking to play 14 days in advance the new booking sheet only becomes available from 7 am -- all other playing times within 14 days can be booked 24/7.
- Members should select their playing partner / opponent's name to show on the booking sheets.
- On the day of the booking, your opponent will receive an email giving then the option to share costs with you.
- Members can share the cost of court lighting by transferring credit at anytime
- Maximum 2 peak-time bookings per member per day.
- Maximum 4 peak-time bookings per member per calendar week.
- Peak times are from 5.45 pm to 8.45 pm (Monday - Sunday).
- Court hire fees:
- £4 per 45 minute session paid online when you login into your booking account
- It's possible to "turn up and play" or extend your session in additional 10 min increments unto 2hrs via the touchscreen (£1 per 10min) - choose "Lights", choose the "Court" choose "Time Period" enter your PIN.
- It's not possible to book courts unless you have sufficient funds in your booking account.
- Check-In/No-Shows Policy:
- There is no "fine" for a No-Show but remember that you have already paid for the court lights at the time of booking & this is non-refundable in the event of a No-Show.
- Late-Cancellation Policy - Peak times only:
- When unable to use a reserved court, members should cancel as soon as possible so that others may use the court.
- There is no late-cancellation charge when the booking is cancelled more than 24 hours prior to start time.
- When a peak-time booking is cancelled within 24 hours prior to start time, the system automatically charges a £1 late-cancellation, however, this charge is automatically refunded if the same court and start time is re-booked.
- When playing a Guest, members must select the "£3 GUEST FEE" as the playing partner/opponent.
- The system will automatically charge the £3 Guest Fee to your booking system account.
- If you're no longer playing a Guest, you can change your playing partner/opponent to a member, and the Guest Fee will be removed.
- This can be done when you book the court or any time before playing.
- Please enter your name and your guest's name in the Guest Book (it's bright red - you can't miss it!) by the lights meters
- No Guest may play more than 6 times per year
- Guest are not able to share court costs via the MyCourts system so just ask 'em for the cash if you really are that tightfisted
- Members with outstanding Late-Cancellation, No-Show and Guest Fees must top-up their booking system accounts with an online credit/debit card transaction prior to booking more courts.
- The account top-up is done by logging into your account & following the "Buy Credit" option
- All transactions are handled securely through the booking portal by Stripe - neither HSRC or MyCourts have any access to the transaction details.
- Any member may transfer any amount of credit to another (to share court costs) at any time.
Booking FAQs....
Where do I book?
I didn't get an e-mail!
Please make sure it's not in your spam / junk etc.
Add "[email protected]" to your contacts list
What's all this Privacy malarkey?
When you first log-in, please read carefully: you must consent for your name to be shown on the booking sheets in order to book courts.
Also, we'd ask please tick the boxes for your e-mail and contact number to be shown in the directory - if you play in teams or box leagues then I'd say you really should make your details visible to other members so they can contact you for matches. Only logged-in members can see these details so it's darn sight more secure than writing your name on the sheets by court 3!
Can I change my password?
Yes, you can choose something more memorable from the home page when logged in to the system (you can't do this on the touchscreen at the Club for security & privacy reasons)
How do I find my PIN?
Login to the booking system and chose "Change Password or PIN"
Can I change my PIN?
Yes, but you can't select your number, the system provides the PIN randomly.
What is my "Booking Account"?
All courts at HSRC are free to book - no more rummaging around under the car seat for £1 coins to buy stickers!
We know that you'll love the convenience of on-line booking however, we have to ensure the system isn't abused and that's why we have the "no-show" and late cancellation charges.
If you incur charges on your account, they'll be clearly listed on your home page when you log-in.
Most importantly, you will be unable to book courts if your account is in negative balance,
From your home page (not possible from the Club touchscreen for security & privacy reasons) choose "Buy Credit" and follow the prompts to top-up using a credit or debit card.
All credit/debit card transactions are handled securely via our “Stripe” account and neither HSRC or MyCourts ahem any access to your card details.
There is a minimum top up of £20 although you're welcome to top-up more to avoid lots of unnecessary transactions....
How do I turn the court lights on?
Under the new system, the court lights will be "live" 5min before your start time & switch off 5 min after your booked time ends so, if you're lucky - you get 55min for the price of 45. There is an occupancy sensor on courts 2, 3 & 4 so the lights will come on as you walk in - it's magical! Court 5 is yet to have the sensor fitted - we'll keep you updated!
If you don't show up, the court lights stay switched off to save electricity.
Please Note: It's still up to individual members to keep an eye on timekeeping & "knock off" any players that are on court after their official time slot has expired.
As ever, it's up to you if you're happy to give an extra couple of minutes for the previous players to finish that crucial rally!
Adding additional time or just "turn up & play"
If you're enjoying playing so much that you don't want to stop or you just "turn up & play" (& there's no subsequent booking) you can add extra time by using the "Lights" option on the touchscreen.
You can also use this method if you just want to turn up at the Club without booking for 20min practice etc etc (of course, this won't override any previous bookings.)
Why am I still charged even if I don't turn up?
The £4 fee covers the lost income to the Club when a Court goes unused. If you don't turn up, the court remains booked on the system and effectively blocks any other players from using it.
Why am I charged for a late cancellation?
The £1 fee is a reminder to cancel courts in plenty of time to allow other Club members the ability to play.
If the court is rebooked for the same day & time then the charge is waived which we think is a fair way of doing things!
What happens if I invite a guest to play?
We love seeing new faces at HSRC but all guests are still required to pay the £3 guest fee.
When booking, choose "Guest" as your opponent and your booking account will be debited £3.
Also, please enter your name and the name & address of your guest in the big red book by the public telephone & tick the box if you've paid.
Is it OK to leave the touchscreen at the Club switched on?
Yes, it's low energy and designed for 24/7 operation.
It's a "dumb" terminal and runs barebones Linux to connect to the booking servers.
Is there an "app"?
Sorry, not at present - the website <<>> is the only portal.
When does each day's booking sheet go "live"?
As with the old system, you can book up to 14 days in advance. Previously, the sheets would be changed by the bar staff every evening but now, new sheets become available at 7am so set your alarm!
What is a "Cancelled Court Alert"?
If you're looking for a game at a peak time but all courts are booked, you can sign up for the cancelled court alert which will e-mail you if a court becomes free.
Just tell the system what day / time you'd like to play - simples!
What about Box Leagues & Club Tournaments?
At present, lovely Derek will continue to organise etc box leagues - it's possible we'll transition these onto the system at some point.
Once on the system, players will enter their scores and the league rules are applied in just the same as they are now!
Similarly, Club comps will stay the same for the time being but we'll defo trial the new system before with view to migrating across for the next end of season comp.
Bear in mind, it all falls to sh*t if people don't actually make the effort to play their matches!!!
What if I don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone?
Yes really, I don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone!
It's the 21st century for goodness sake!!!
Look seriously, just drop it, I really don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone!
Speak to us about getting log-in details and you'll be able to use the touchscreen at the Club to book courts.
What if the system breaks?
It's the end of civilisation as we know it and there are other things, more important than squash, to worry about.
What if I can't think of any other FAQs?
If that happens it's the end of the page.
I didn't get an e-mail!
Please make sure it's not in your spam / junk etc.
Add "[email protected]" to your contacts list
What's all this Privacy malarkey?
When you first log-in, please read carefully: you must consent for your name to be shown on the booking sheets in order to book courts.
Also, we'd ask please tick the boxes for your e-mail and contact number to be shown in the directory - if you play in teams or box leagues then I'd say you really should make your details visible to other members so they can contact you for matches. Only logged-in members can see these details so it's darn sight more secure than writing your name on the sheets by court 3!
Can I change my password?
Yes, you can choose something more memorable from the home page when logged in to the system (you can't do this on the touchscreen at the Club for security & privacy reasons)
How do I find my PIN?
Login to the booking system and chose "Change Password or PIN"
Can I change my PIN?
Yes, but you can't select your number, the system provides the PIN randomly.
What is my "Booking Account"?
All courts at HSRC are free to book - no more rummaging around under the car seat for £1 coins to buy stickers!
We know that you'll love the convenience of on-line booking however, we have to ensure the system isn't abused and that's why we have the "no-show" and late cancellation charges.
If you incur charges on your account, they'll be clearly listed on your home page when you log-in.
Most importantly, you will be unable to book courts if your account is in negative balance,
From your home page (not possible from the Club touchscreen for security & privacy reasons) choose "Buy Credit" and follow the prompts to top-up using a credit or debit card.
All credit/debit card transactions are handled securely via our “Stripe” account and neither HSRC or MyCourts ahem any access to your card details.
There is a minimum top up of £20 although you're welcome to top-up more to avoid lots of unnecessary transactions....
How do I turn the court lights on?
Under the new system, the court lights will be "live" 5min before your start time & switch off 5 min after your booked time ends so, if you're lucky - you get 55min for the price of 45. There is an occupancy sensor on courts 2, 3 & 4 so the lights will come on as you walk in - it's magical! Court 5 is yet to have the sensor fitted - we'll keep you updated!
If you don't show up, the court lights stay switched off to save electricity.
Please Note: It's still up to individual members to keep an eye on timekeeping & "knock off" any players that are on court after their official time slot has expired.
As ever, it's up to you if you're happy to give an extra couple of minutes for the previous players to finish that crucial rally!
Adding additional time or just "turn up & play"
If you're enjoying playing so much that you don't want to stop or you just "turn up & play" (& there's no subsequent booking) you can add extra time by using the "Lights" option on the touchscreen.
- Select "Lights"
- Select the "Court" you want to play on
- You can choose any number of 10 min time periods (up to 2hrs).
- Enter the first letter of your surname and your PIN (you'll only be able to do this if there is no conflict with a prior booking)
- Please Note: you'll only be able to add the time if you have sufficient funds.
You can also use this method if you just want to turn up at the Club without booking for 20min practice etc etc (of course, this won't override any previous bookings.)
Why am I still charged even if I don't turn up?
The £4 fee covers the lost income to the Club when a Court goes unused. If you don't turn up, the court remains booked on the system and effectively blocks any other players from using it.
Why am I charged for a late cancellation?
The £1 fee is a reminder to cancel courts in plenty of time to allow other Club members the ability to play.
If the court is rebooked for the same day & time then the charge is waived which we think is a fair way of doing things!
What happens if I invite a guest to play?
We love seeing new faces at HSRC but all guests are still required to pay the £3 guest fee.
When booking, choose "Guest" as your opponent and your booking account will be debited £3.
Also, please enter your name and the name & address of your guest in the big red book by the public telephone & tick the box if you've paid.
Is it OK to leave the touchscreen at the Club switched on?
Yes, it's low energy and designed for 24/7 operation.
It's a "dumb" terminal and runs barebones Linux to connect to the booking servers.
Is there an "app"?
Sorry, not at present - the website <<>> is the only portal.
When does each day's booking sheet go "live"?
As with the old system, you can book up to 14 days in advance. Previously, the sheets would be changed by the bar staff every evening but now, new sheets become available at 7am so set your alarm!
What is a "Cancelled Court Alert"?
If you're looking for a game at a peak time but all courts are booked, you can sign up for the cancelled court alert which will e-mail you if a court becomes free.
Just tell the system what day / time you'd like to play - simples!
What about Box Leagues & Club Tournaments?
At present, lovely Derek will continue to organise etc box leagues - it's possible we'll transition these onto the system at some point.
Once on the system, players will enter their scores and the league rules are applied in just the same as they are now!
Similarly, Club comps will stay the same for the time being but we'll defo trial the new system before with view to migrating across for the next end of season comp.
Bear in mind, it all falls to sh*t if people don't actually make the effort to play their matches!!!
What if I don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone?
Yes really, I don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone!
It's the 21st century for goodness sake!!!
Look seriously, just drop it, I really don't have a computer, the internet or a smartphone!
Speak to us about getting log-in details and you'll be able to use the touchscreen at the Club to book courts.
What if the system breaks?
It's the end of civilisation as we know it and there are other things, more important than squash, to worry about.
What if I can't think of any other FAQs?
If that happens it's the end of the page.