Well, that was fun.... update 01/02/2022
Clearly. "the Covid" hasn't gone away but as we are at the "living with it" stage, squash life returns to normal...
Anyhow, no apologies for repeating wot we has already said:
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is mandatory & very important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
All courts are now available for normal booking.
Please remember to keep your hands clean (c'mon, we've talked about this, you're not 4 yrs old anymore!)
Please don't wipe your hands on the walls, covid or not, it's disgusting and unnecessary, mop up any excess sweat or bodily fluids from the court floor.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
The Club Mix-In returns!
The Club bar returns to it's "normal" opening hours!
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
Anyhow, no apologies for repeating wot we has already said:
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is mandatory & very important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
All courts are now available for normal booking.
Please remember to keep your hands clean (c'mon, we've talked about this, you're not 4 yrs old anymore!)
Please don't wipe your hands on the walls, covid or not, it's disgusting and unnecessary, mop up any excess sweat or bodily fluids from the court floor.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
The Club Mix-In returns!
The Club bar returns to it's "normal" opening hours!
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
Covid All Clear? Nah, not really - updated 25/07/2021
Hi All
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is mandatory & very important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
All courts are now available for normal booking.
Please remember to keep your hands clean (c'mon, we've talked about this, you're not 4 yrs old anymore!)
Please don't wipe your hands on the walls, covid or not, it's disgusting and unnecessary, mop up any excess sweat or bodily fluids from the court floor.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
The Club Mix-In returns!
The Club bar returns to it's "normal" opening hours!
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is mandatory & very important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
All courts are now available for normal booking.
Please remember to keep your hands clean (c'mon, we've talked about this, you're not 4 yrs old anymore!)
Please don't wipe your hands on the walls, covid or not, it's disgusting and unnecessary, mop up any excess sweat or bodily fluids from the court floor.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
The Club Mix-In returns!
The Club bar returns to it's "normal" opening hours!
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
Covid Safety Rules - updated 17/05/2021
Hi All
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is essential for "Track & Trace" & especially important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
At present, we're keeping the "alternating court" system.
Proper ventilation is proven to reduce instances of infection so we feel this is vital for the safety of all Club members.
Please remember to clean "touch points", mop up any bodily fluids you may deposit on the court floor or walls. Leave the court door open after you've played.
We'll keep the alternating court booking under review but please be sure to continue with all of the basic hygiene procedures; hand sanitising, cleaning touch points, cleaning courts, social distance on balconies & in corridors.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
Hopefully, the "alternate court" booking will significantly reduce the number of people using the changing at any one time.
Use common sense; maintain social distances, avoid chatting in groups and don't spend longer than absolutely necessary in the changing areas.
The Club bar will reopen: initially Saturdays 5pm - 9pm & Sundays 6pm - 10pm
Sadly, we're unable to reopen fully until there is sufficient demand to ensure we cover operating costs.
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
Please continue to book courts and properly list your playing partners - this is essential for "Track & Trace" & especially important for Club admin.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
At present, we're keeping the "alternating court" system.
Proper ventilation is proven to reduce instances of infection so we feel this is vital for the safety of all Club members.
Please remember to clean "touch points", mop up any bodily fluids you may deposit on the court floor or walls. Leave the court door open after you've played.
We'll keep the alternating court booking under review but please be sure to continue with all of the basic hygiene procedures; hand sanitising, cleaning touch points, cleaning courts, social distance on balconies & in corridors.
The changing rooms & showers are open again.
Hopefully, the "alternate court" booking will significantly reduce the number of people using the changing at any one time.
Use common sense; maintain social distances, avoid chatting in groups and don't spend longer than absolutely necessary in the changing areas.
The Club bar will reopen: initially Saturdays 5pm - 9pm & Sundays 6pm - 10pm
Sadly, we're unable to reopen fully until there is sufficient demand to ensure we cover operating costs.
Please do support your Club & remember: without the support of the membership, there is no Club.
Stay safe & keep well.
DC (da committee)
I'm doing this back to-front but here the important stuff first, before you get bored of reading!
If you wish to play squash / racketball at Heswall Squash Racquets Club you MUST:
Agree to the "Covid" rules confirming that you will follow ALL of the procedures.
ALWAYS identify your playing partner when booking.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
Check-in is mandatory as the Club is legally obliged to keep a record of attendance.
Stick with the safety protocols (yes, even the one way system!).
Please Note:
We shall cancel any court bookings you make if you haven't agreed to follow the safety procedures.
If you have "accepted" the safety procedures but don't intend to follow them - please don't visit the Club.
The Long Version....
While restrictions remain, booking courts & admission to the Club will NOT be granted unless you've read, and agreed to follow, all of the safety protocols listed below.
Once you've read it all, please e-mail your acceptance to "[email protected]"
You don't have to write an essay, just type "I have read, understood and agree to follow all of the safety procedures"
If you feel unable or unwilling to follow these guidelines you must not enter the Club until the current restrictions are fully lifted.
Any member found to be in breach of these protocols will be asked to leave. No exceptions.
Remember, these protocols are not just for your protection - you may feel that you don't need protection - they for the benefit of ALL Club users.
"HSRC Covid-19 Safety Protocols 9th April 2021"
PLEASE take the time to read the notices around the Club and follow the instructions.
You must NOT enter the Club if:
1. you or someone you live with has had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days:
3. you have a pre-existing medical condition which puts you at additional risk
Unfortunately, there will be fewer court slots available and booking times are off-set to reduce the number of people in the Club.
Alternating court slots are blocked to allow for ventilation between sessions.
Mix-Ins, group sessions and box league matches remain suspended.
Courts must be only be booked through the Members only website <<https://heswallsquash.mycourts.co.uk>>
Don't turn up at the Club without booking and please do NOT use the touchscreen at the Club.
With everyone keen to play, please consider others and restrict the number and frequency of courts that you book.
England Squash regulations state that BOTH players names are required when booking a court, for Contact Tracing Purposes (all data is held securely under ICO & GDPR guidelines)
In addition, BOTH players must check in on arrival at the Club - it's simple, swipe your access cards through the reader next to the booking screen. If you haven't done this already, you'll need to know your PIN (login to the booking system, choose "change password or PIN" from the menu)
Don’t arrive too early, meet your partner outside and enter the Club together
Arrive changed & ready to play (apart from squash shoes obviously - usual rules still apply!)
Please read the notices, follow the one way system and maintain safe distances
The Changing Rooms and Showers are closed until further notice
Use the hand sanitiser and paper towels provided to wipe any touch points eg: light switches, lights meters, keypads, door handles, court door handles (both sides of doors) etc. and discard used towel in the bins provided.
Take all belongings, bags, towels, water bottle etc on court with you
Do not share equipment.
Sanitise / wipe the ball before you start
Do not touch / wipe your hands on the court walls
Do not share towels, bottles etc.
Stay on court in between games (to reduce the potential spread of the virus around the Club)
1. Solo Practice is permissible.
2. Members of the SAME HOUSEHOLD may play "normal" full squash (this does NOT include family members who aren't resident at the same address)
3. One to One coaching
Players must NOT wipe their hands on the court walls and any accidental contact must be dried off using the disposable towels before you leave the Club.
Players must NOT wipe their hands on the court walls
Use the hand sanitiser and paper towels provided to AGAIN wipe any touch points and discard used paper towels in the bins provided.
Please use the DRY soft floor mops provided to wipe the floor of the court, removing any sweat marks etc
Leave the court door wedged OPEN to improve ventilation
The Changing Rooms and Showers are closed until further notice
Once you have completed cleaning, leave together, as quickly as possible following the ONE WAY system remembering to sanitise your hands again prior to exiting.
Please follow these procedures for the protection & benefit of ALL Club members as any incidence of Covid-19 amongst the membership could lead to a second closure of the Club
Unfortunately, the Club Bar has reenforced to close (temporarily!) again. The "Local" restrictions brought into Law on 3rd Oct 2020 makes it economically unviable for us to maintain the bar at present. Don't worry, we'll be back just as soon as we possibly can!
The "SIDES" Game
This cross-court version of squash is designed to comply with social distancing measures, with each player remaining in their own half of the court at all times. During the game, only one player should touch the ball and the court door, and players must not touch court walls.
All equipment and touch points should be cleaned and players must wash their hands, before and
after play – NOTE: please follow standard practice for court care – i.e. walls should not be cleaned
with disinfectant to avoid damage to the plaster.
The rules:
• Only two players permitted
• The aim is to hit a winner or force an error from your opponent as in regular squash
• Only one player serves during the match, the opponent cannot handle the ball
• Both players must keep to their side of the court throughout each rally, using the full length
of the court whilst maintaining safe social distancing throughout
• If a player crosses into the opponent’s side of the court, they immediately forfeit the rally
• If there is a danger of players breaching a safe social distance, they must call a let and replay the rally
• Once a rally is complete, players switch sides of the court (maintaining a safe social distance) and the server restarts play
No more than TWO people may be on court at any time.
1. Do not visit the Club, book a court or play any squash or racketball unless you have read, and agreed to abide by, the Covid-19 Safety Procedures
2. Don't come to the Club if you've had any Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
3. Clean your hands when you enter the Club
4. Read the notices and follow the instructions!
5. Don't use the Changing Rooms or Showers
6. Follow the one way system
7. Both players "Check In" by swiping card through reader next to booking screen
8. Before playing, clean everything you've touched (door handles, light switches, lights meters etc)
9. Follow the England Squash rules on court - NB: "full" squash is NOT currently permitted*
10. Dry any perspiration from court surfaces you've touched (or dripped or dribbled on...)
11. After playing, clean everything you've touched and clean your hands before you leave the Club
* and no, you can't stretch "household" to include your daughter, brother or auntie that lives two streets away or in a different town. But you already knew that, didn't you?
If you wish to play squash / racketball at Heswall Squash Racquets Club you MUST:
Agree to the "Covid" rules confirming that you will follow ALL of the procedures.
ALWAYS identify your playing partner when booking.
ALWAYS check-in on arrival at the Club (swipe your access card though the card reader next to the booking screen).
Check-in is mandatory as the Club is legally obliged to keep a record of attendance.
Stick with the safety protocols (yes, even the one way system!).
Please Note:
We shall cancel any court bookings you make if you haven't agreed to follow the safety procedures.
If you have "accepted" the safety procedures but don't intend to follow them - please don't visit the Club.
The Long Version....
While restrictions remain, booking courts & admission to the Club will NOT be granted unless you've read, and agreed to follow, all of the safety protocols listed below.
Once you've read it all, please e-mail your acceptance to "[email protected]"
You don't have to write an essay, just type "I have read, understood and agree to follow all of the safety procedures"
If you feel unable or unwilling to follow these guidelines you must not enter the Club until the current restrictions are fully lifted.
Any member found to be in breach of these protocols will be asked to leave. No exceptions.
Remember, these protocols are not just for your protection - you may feel that you don't need protection - they for the benefit of ALL Club users.
"HSRC Covid-19 Safety Protocols 9th April 2021"
PLEASE take the time to read the notices around the Club and follow the instructions.
You must NOT enter the Club if:
1. you or someone you live with has had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days:
- a high temperature (38°c or above)
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
3. you have a pre-existing medical condition which puts you at additional risk
Unfortunately, there will be fewer court slots available and booking times are off-set to reduce the number of people in the Club.
Alternating court slots are blocked to allow for ventilation between sessions.
Mix-Ins, group sessions and box league matches remain suspended.
Courts must be only be booked through the Members only website <<https://heswallsquash.mycourts.co.uk>>
Don't turn up at the Club without booking and please do NOT use the touchscreen at the Club.
With everyone keen to play, please consider others and restrict the number and frequency of courts that you book.
England Squash regulations state that BOTH players names are required when booking a court, for Contact Tracing Purposes (all data is held securely under ICO & GDPR guidelines)
In addition, BOTH players must check in on arrival at the Club - it's simple, swipe your access cards through the reader next to the booking screen. If you haven't done this already, you'll need to know your PIN (login to the booking system, choose "change password or PIN" from the menu)
Don’t arrive too early, meet your partner outside and enter the Club together
Arrive changed & ready to play (apart from squash shoes obviously - usual rules still apply!)
Please read the notices, follow the one way system and maintain safe distances
The Changing Rooms and Showers are closed until further notice
Use the hand sanitiser and paper towels provided to wipe any touch points eg: light switches, lights meters, keypads, door handles, court door handles (both sides of doors) etc. and discard used towel in the bins provided.
Take all belongings, bags, towels, water bottle etc on court with you
Do not share equipment.
Sanitise / wipe the ball before you start
Do not touch / wipe your hands on the court walls
Do not share towels, bottles etc.
Stay on court in between games (to reduce the potential spread of the virus around the Club)
1. Solo Practice is permissible.
2. Members of the SAME HOUSEHOLD may play "normal" full squash (this does NOT include family members who aren't resident at the same address)
3. One to One coaching
Players must NOT wipe their hands on the court walls and any accidental contact must be dried off using the disposable towels before you leave the Club.
Players must NOT wipe their hands on the court walls
Use the hand sanitiser and paper towels provided to AGAIN wipe any touch points and discard used paper towels in the bins provided.
Please use the DRY soft floor mops provided to wipe the floor of the court, removing any sweat marks etc
Leave the court door wedged OPEN to improve ventilation
The Changing Rooms and Showers are closed until further notice
Once you have completed cleaning, leave together, as quickly as possible following the ONE WAY system remembering to sanitise your hands again prior to exiting.
Please follow these procedures for the protection & benefit of ALL Club members as any incidence of Covid-19 amongst the membership could lead to a second closure of the Club
Unfortunately, the Club Bar has reenforced to close (temporarily!) again. The "Local" restrictions brought into Law on 3rd Oct 2020 makes it economically unviable for us to maintain the bar at present. Don't worry, we'll be back just as soon as we possibly can!
The "SIDES" Game
This cross-court version of squash is designed to comply with social distancing measures, with each player remaining in their own half of the court at all times. During the game, only one player should touch the ball and the court door, and players must not touch court walls.
All equipment and touch points should be cleaned and players must wash their hands, before and
after play – NOTE: please follow standard practice for court care – i.e. walls should not be cleaned
with disinfectant to avoid damage to the plaster.
The rules:
• Only two players permitted
• The aim is to hit a winner or force an error from your opponent as in regular squash
• Only one player serves during the match, the opponent cannot handle the ball
• Both players must keep to their side of the court throughout each rally, using the full length
of the court whilst maintaining safe social distancing throughout
• If a player crosses into the opponent’s side of the court, they immediately forfeit the rally
• If there is a danger of players breaching a safe social distance, they must call a let and replay the rally
• Once a rally is complete, players switch sides of the court (maintaining a safe social distance) and the server restarts play
No more than TWO people may be on court at any time.
1. Do not visit the Club, book a court or play any squash or racketball unless you have read, and agreed to abide by, the Covid-19 Safety Procedures
2. Don't come to the Club if you've had any Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days
3. Clean your hands when you enter the Club
4. Read the notices and follow the instructions!
5. Don't use the Changing Rooms or Showers
6. Follow the one way system
7. Both players "Check In" by swiping card through reader next to booking screen
8. Before playing, clean everything you've touched (door handles, light switches, lights meters etc)
9. Follow the England Squash rules on court - NB: "full" squash is NOT currently permitted*
10. Dry any perspiration from court surfaces you've touched (or dripped or dribbled on...)
11. After playing, clean everything you've touched and clean your hands before you leave the Club
* and no, you can't stretch "household" to include your daughter, brother or auntie that lives two streets away or in a different town. But you already knew that, didn't you?